Iron Gate Gardens 2018


Iron Gate Gardens
2271 County Line Rd
Kings Mountain, NC 28086

Phone: 704-435-6178
Cell: 704-435-4367

We had a cold winter and the daylilies were frozen to the ground. After several mild winters, the extreme cold was quite a contrast! An early blast form the tropics caused the Magnolias to bloom in all their splendor. They were promptly frozen after a week or so of extreme beauty. Then the hellebores and daffodils started to bloom.

Vic has more than 100 new Bearded Iris this year, and they are growing beautifully. Two years ago we planted a few hundred Brodeia bulbs and when they bloomed in 2016 we were enchanted - so we ordered more. It appears they are hardy here. We also planted several hundred Dutch Iris, including a hard to find pure white variety. Very beautiful!

We live about 12 miles from the SC line and about 25 miles from those glorious peaches. Two years ago we went for peaches every two weeks. There were locally grown peach varieties from late April until the first week of November. Now, last year the early peaches were frozen by the late cold. We are waiting for news about the condition of this years crop.

We had some good rain last spring and summer, so we finally had a good daylily seed crop.

The 2018 Introductions are limited, but we need more yellows daylilies in the garden.

We are always searching for good yellow/gold daylilies. Dale Hensley's 'Holy Sombrero' is one of the best. Bright vibrant gold coloration.

'Clear Choice' is so large and flat that it is showy. Vic has used it a lot for larger yellows. 'Clear Choice' lacks the "super" form of 'Whisper Of Gold' but the size makes up or it.

We hope you can visit and have a "Look See" at what is growing here now.

Our cat "Snowflake" continues to be a wonderful 17 pound guard. He lets us know there is someone in the yard by running and hiding! He wishes you a wonderful bloom season.

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